Saturday, December 6, 2014

How can a CPN benefit me?

This may seem like a broad questions, but it is surely a valid one. Is a CPN for everyone? How can it benefit me? I want to break this one down for you. This questions may go with the other post about what you can obtain with a CPN.

Is a CPN for everyone?

If you have excellent credit, or are under the age of 18 (or even 21), this may NOT be for you. A CPN is a credit profile number which you can use to build up to obtain credit. If you are not at an age where that applies to you, then you must wait until you are of age and then I advise building your own SSN profile and not a CPN. If you have excellent credit, I honestly do not see the need for a CPN unless you just wish to have a separate credit profile in which you can build up to obtain the credit you seek. Other than that, this most definitely is a wise choice for those with terrible credit, With our program, you are able to start over again and build your credit up the right way. One important thing that you must remember is that you only get one chance with this, so take care of your credit profile number; you will not get a second one. Even if you have bad credit and want to do a CPN, you can also get a credit sweep at the same time (advised 100%), so that you can get back on track with your personal credit while also having the chance to build credit in the meantime.

How can it benefit me?

You have many options when it comes to using a credit profile number. You do not have to get only one type of credit; you can obtain all things credit-related.  As you have seen in previous posts, you can obtain anything on this list once you build it up. You are not limited to the items on this list; it is only to show you an idea of what is possible:

  • credit cards
  • department store cards
  • catalog cards
  • personal/business/vehicle loans
  • apartments
  • utilities
  • cell phones
  • cable
  • internet
Back to how this benefits you:

Have you ever been in a situation where you did not have the cash to pay for something? What if you have bad credit and do not qualify for a credit card? With a CPN, you can obtain a credit card (more than one, of course) and pay for the items that you do not have the cash for at that time. How about those times when you could get points or rewards if you signed up for a credit card, but know that you wouldn't qualify for it due to your credit? A few examples would be Toys R US/Babies R US, Choice Hotels, airline and travel rewards, etc. A big one is saving on gas for your vehicles and gas rewards/points. 

As for apartments: You are seeking a new apartment, but 90% of the places wish to pull your credit, even for a one-bedroom. That really only leaves you a few places, and those may wish to have you bring in paystubs and other documentation that you might not have. With a CPN, you can either have them pull your credit, or bring them a credit report to look at, along with paystubs or other documentation that they require. 

Another thing when it comes to moving into a new apartment: turning on utilities, cable and internet. Have you ever run into a problem with either of those? You call to turn it on and they say that you need to put down a large deposit due to your credit. I can tell you that I have personally gotten an apartment (condo, actually) using my personal CPN and turned on utilities, cable and internet (phone too). I used my credit cards on my CPN to pay for those accounts. 

The holidays are here and lots of stores have sales right now. When you get to the register, the cashier is likely to ask you if you would like to open a store credit card. Knowing that it will not approve, you decline. The cashier politely says you would save an extra 20% upon approval. What if you could say yes, go for it, and receive not only the discount, but the credit account itself to post to your credit and build your profile? That would be another thing you could do with a CPN. 

The list just goes on and on. I am am certain that you see how you would benefit using a CPN! 

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